View of Volcano Island in Lake Taal, on the Philippine Island of Luzon. Photo was taken from Tagaytay, looking south toward the lake. Credit: Patrick Roque

View of Volcano Island in Lake Taal, on the Philippine Island of Luzon. Photo was taken from Tagaytay, looking south toward the lake. Credit: Patrick Roque

Philippine volcano Taal erupts with a fury of earthquakes and ash

By Alka Tripathy-Lang

January 15, 2020

Since the afternoon of Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020, Taal Volcano in the Philippines has been erupting, with the Philippine government issuing an alert level of 4 (out of 5), indicating a hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days. Circling the planet via social media are spectacular images of several-kilometer high ash clouds intermittently illuminated with mesmerizing volcanic lightning, lava fountains taller than the Empire State Building spouting into the night sky, and most recently, fissures that cut through the ground, homes and roads.

For the rest of this eruption report, head to Temblor. You can also find a Filipino translation here.