(a) Wave with a period of 1 second and a frequency of 1 Hz, or 1 cycle per second. Compare with (b), a wave with a period of 0.5 seconds and a frequency of 2 Hz, or 2 cycles per second. Period is the inverse of frequency. Note the difference in wave…

(a) Wave with a period of 1 second and a frequency of 1 Hz, or 1 cycle per second. Compare with (b), a wave with a period of 0.5 seconds and a frequency of 2 Hz, or 2 cycles per second. Period is the inverse of frequency. Note the difference in wavelength, or the distance between two crests, or high points, of the wave. Credit: Sketch modified from IRIS animation

Noisy wind – A tale of tilting seismometers

By Alka Tripathy-Lang

May 14, 2019

Important work by former IRIS Intern Sydney Dybing and others show that noise, whatever the cause, provides the lower limit of resolution for a given seismometer, and that limit is dependent on depth, substrate and installation style.

To see what she found, continue reading on the IRIS website.