A view of Morgan Hill, the locus of a recent magnitude-3.9 earthquake felt by some northern California residents. Credit: activerain.com

A view of Morgan Hill, the locus of a recent magnitude-3.9 earthquake felt by some northern California residents. Credit: activerain.com

New year, new California quakes

By Alka Tripathy-Lang

January 4, 2020

California was lightly jostled into the new year with two unrelated earthquakes separated by about three hours and 450 kilometers (280 miles). A magnitude-3.9 temblor shook the area around Morgan Hill, in Northern California, on Wednesday, Jan. 1 at 11:16 PM local time. At 2:12 AM the next morning, a magnitude-4.0 shock rattled residents in Southern California near Port Hueneme. These quakes occurred in regions that experience quakes of this size several times a year.

For the rest of the story, head to Temblor.