The Salton Sea. Credit: Matic Kozinc

California’s Salton Sea rumbles again

By Alka Tripathy-Lang

October 1, 2020

For two days in August, the area around the Salton Sea shook as a swarm of earthquakes rollicked along faults beneath the water. After this burst of seismicity, the earth calmed to its usual — albeit jittery — state in the restive region that sits only 8 miles (less than 13 kilometers) from the southern tip of the San Andreas Fault. Yesterday, the quiescence ceased when tiny tremors began anew, this time centering on Westmorland, a small town south of the Salton Sea and several miles northwest of Brawley. The largest of these quakes, a magnitude-4.9 event, struck shortly after the swarm began, at 5:31 p.m. local time. Felt reports streamed into the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from across San Diego in the west to as far east as the Arizona-California border.

Check out the rest of the story at Temblor.